Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why not drill now

I wrote this in response to criticism of Sarah Palin's view that maybe now was the time to get serious about domestic oil and gas drilling.

Just announcing that we will immediately begin exploration and utilization of domestic energy sources will help stabilize the petroleum markets and gas prices. 99% of cars and trucks run on gas or diesel and will do so for many years. We as a country have painted ourselves into a corner pursuing a foolhardy policy on energy independence. Every building in America should have solar panels and wind turbines should be turning throughout the land. But, that does not alleviate our dependence on petroleum. Government will never solve the problem. When technology catches up with our desire for clean renewable energy, then and only then will it happen and my money is on entrepreneurs in the free market system to get us there. So, if Sarah Palin is an idiot, then those who bash her must be insane for that is the definition of someone who does the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Check out Palin's actions with big oil while governor and then tell me she is in their pocket.

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