Thursday, December 8, 2011


President Obama actually spoke a truth in his speech in Kansas this week.  America is at a crossroad and the choices are quite clear.  We have a choice between the America that created a nation of unparalleled prosperity or a new America, a socialist state modeled after the European governments now wallowing in debt and civil unrest.  Our President is counting on class envy to carry him to another four year term.  He constantly speaks of "fairness", but his idea of fairness is not the ideal of fairness I believe in.  He also speaks as a champion of the "middle class", but really, no way.

I have come to the realization that our President doesn't just have socialist leanings, but that he is an advocate of communism.  He is carrying out a full front assault on capitalism.  The federal government and his  administration are doing everything they can to kill free enterprise and to destroy the American economic engine.  He didn't start this, but he is pushing it to a certain end.

Private industry, creating value from raw materials, is the key to a strong middle class.  We have systematically driven manufacturing and industry from our shores to other countries with taxation and over regulation from EPA, FCC, Departments of Labor, Energy and the rest of the huge federal bureaucracy.  This administration has pushed for leftist changes to labor laws to favor unions over industry.  When they couldn't get card check, the NLRB instituted changes to restrict a company's ability to fairly fight unionization drives. We all know that unions dues become big money for Democratic Party candidates.  The government will not allow this country to become energy independent.  We cannot drill to develop our domestic petroleum and natural deposits.  They are working to end coal as a fuel, the same with nuclear power and regulations make it impossible to build a refinery. 

I confess to not knowing what our President considers the "middle class".  I don't think he considers it to be people becoming financially independent though their own labors, whether working in  thriving industry or in their own small businesses. This President and his administration are all about the haves and have-nots.  It's the 99% vs. the 1%.  It's the demonization of the successful.  They work to convince people that if you are poor, its because someone else is rich.  Their idea of "fairness" is taking money from those working to improve their lives and giving it to those who don't, just to even things out.   We are supposed to believe him when he says he wants a more fair playing field so all have a chance at success.  The biggest obstacle to that success is big government and he is all for bigger government.

Obama is right, we are at a crossroad.  We must make the choice. Do we want to stay on the path to full blown socialism and government control over our lives?  Do we want a President hell bent on turning us into a third rate country?  Do we want a President who owes everything to the likes of George Soros,  corrupt labor unions, and numerous socialist and communists? 

I will vote for anyone running against this man.  I might gag doing it, but there is no alternative. It would be nothing new, I gagged voting for McCain.


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