Tuesday, December 13, 2011

So Much Bullcrap

Can you believe we have eleven more months of this political tripe before we vote in 2012?
Here they are arguing back and forth about a 2% payroll deduction.  That's $1,000 for an annual salary of $50,000.  In other terms, it takes $120 BILLION out of the broke Social Security Trust Fund.  What the hell are they thinking?  Congress and past administrations have looted the Trust Fund and left worthless IOU's. They have voted to give money from the Trust Fund to people who never contributed one cent.  Now these SOB's call it an entitlement;  an entitlement my ass.  That's our money. The real entitlement programs are the biggest problems.  Medicaid, food stamps and all of the other give away programs have gone awry from the original intent.  They are out of control.  Check one of my earlier blogs for the statistics.  People need to be weaned off the government teat.  This cow is going dry. All of them, Democrats and Republicans, will not  address the real issues of way too much spending by government.  What will it take for them to put politics aside and put the country first? 
None of them seem to have any basic understanding of how a free market works.  Quit playing with the money supply.  Quit micromanaging interest rates.  Quit micromanaging banks and credit.  Quit playing with the housing market.  Politicians are the worst at telling the free market how to do their business.  By and large they are lawyers and even community organizers who have never started a business, managed a business, grown a business, met a payroll or even failed at a business.  They have inflated egos that give them the right to tell ever one how to conduct their business about which they have no idea except what some lobbyist told them.  Government meddling has destroyed family farming, is doing the same to domestic manufacturing and makes it virtually impossible for the average person to start a successful small business. 

Now back to the opening statement.  Obama must go . He and the rest of these socialist goons need to be thrown out next November.  Progressives cannot bring this economy back from the brink.  Government is not and never will be the answer to solving our nation's ills.  It created them.
The two leading Republican candidates, Gingrich and Romney, are running from their own progressive records.  In this age, your past in audio and video is just a click away. They cannot hide it. Gingrich has many ideas and balanced the budget, but as I have believed after reading one or two of his books years ago, he is a statist.  He believes more government is the answer to every problem.  Romney has many accomplishments to his credit, but who is he and what does he really believe in.  Granted, he had to compromise to work with the left as governor of Massachusetts.  But you cannot call yourself a progressive one year and a conservative ten years later.  It's another, I was for it before I was against it, quandary.  A quandary to be exploited by Obama, the man with no past.

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